Mark your calendars now for November 8, 2025!
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Mark your calendars now for November 8, 2025!
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Event sponsorship was passed from the Brookings Nite Family Community Education group (through Oregon State Extension Service) to the Brookings Chapter GE of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.). The original elves retired after the 2020 bazaar.
P.E.O. is an international organization dedicated to helping women attain further education through scholarships and loans. P.E.O. has existed for 150 years, providing educational opportunities through scholarships and even supporting Cottey College in the mid-west. Look for them at the Bazaar and ask those new elves about their organizations to learn more.
Chapter GE members worked beside Brookings Nite for 2 years to learn the Bazaar from the ground up, and we were so excited to take over to run the 51st annual event on our own. Each year since has continued to be an incredible success! We expect the same great traditions in 2023.
2019 was the successful 50th year of the Bazaar! Here's how we got there...
In November of 1969, the Brookings Home Extension Nite unit put on its first Community Bazaar at the Catholic School facility in Brookings, Oregon. The idea was to get the various local bazaars held during the holiday season under one roof. It was also to promote Oregon State University Extension and its many activities, including home extension study groups, the 4-H clubs, farm extension, and much more. The first effort involved 26 different clubs, organizations, churches, and individuals. With the help of other local study groups, there was also a luncheon. Vangie Andreason became chairman of the Bazaar, while Marilyn Shipley chaired the luncheon.
During the past 50 years, numerous changes have taken place. Success has created growth, and growth has led to expansion and various locations. The first move from the Catholic School was to Kalmiopsis School's multi-purpose room. Then, having doubled capacity to 55 tables, the event was moved to the Brookings Harbor High School (BHHS) gym and adjoining cafeteria. When the event grew to 80 tables, we had to including the upstairs and hallways of the school to accommodate all the vendors. Another move was needed -- this time to Azalea School gym and the new nearby BHHS cafeteria. Now, the Bazaar is able to house 100+ vendors.
In 2021, the time came to pass the baton. Brookings Home Extension Nite gave the Bazaar over to the Boorkings' chapter of P.E.O International. They have organized and operated the event ever since. P.E.O. chapter GE has provided over $65,000 in scholarships to local girls and women and bazaar funds now go toward those awards. They are continuing the tradition because, over the years, the primary use of funds raised from vendor tables has been to provide educational opportunities for youth and women.
With a bigger bazaar, an on-site lunch by the organizers is no longer possible. However, local food vendors are encouraged to sign up, and tables are available under the outdoor patio shelter. Each year we have multiple food vendors, many of who come back annually.
Many people feel that the bazaar begins their Christmas season. Local merchants plan special sales for the holidays on that day, and other bazaars are also open, offering shoppers a full day of fun and bargaining. The atmosphere is one of excitement where vendors and customers alike can find many exquisite items and meet old friends. Make it a part of your holiday tradition!